The Coronavirus pandemic caused millions of businesses worldwide to implement temporary closures as a result of local government Stay At Home orders. As the initial wave of the outbreak passes and business locations are allowed to reopen to the public again. This article is a guide to getting the most marketing value out of the reopening experience so that sales and revenue start hitting their targets quickly.

Reopening Marketing Momemtum

The key to reopening, even in a limited fashion, is to build as much awareness in the customer community the business around the opening. Here are some basic ideas for building momentum:

  1. Email the customer list
  2. Update Google My Business, Yelp, & Facebook Page business information with hours, products, and services available on reopen
  3. Social media posts
  4. Facebook Event
  5. Notify any business networking organizations you are a part of and ask for publicity around the reopening (i.e. Chambers send out email newsletters and have social profiles, Networking groups have email)
  6. Post in Facebook Groups that have potential customers (either locally focused or topic focused)
  7. Update the business website with hours, products, and services available

Advanced Momentum Building

To take awareness marketing to the next level, consider some of the following ideas:

  1. Host a Facebook Live Stream on reopening day
  2. Offer a coupon or discount on a certain size order
  3. Offer a special discount or bonus item to the first X number of customers
  4. Host an artwork contest for adults and kids and ask people to drop them off at the store (then post them on social media & announce winner there)
  5. Cities have started online pages listing businesses that are open, look for them in your area and ask to be added. Economic Development tends to be the manager of pages like these if you find the page but cannot figure out who to contact

Take the time to build awareness for the reopening of the business. In doing so orders and sales will be stronger sooner, giving you the opportunity to get cash in the door and rehire employees.

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