2022 was a year of growth for AssetLab and our brands and we’re committed to offsetting the carbon emissions from our operations and those of the marketing we manage for clients. Our emissions model is based on:
Emissions from our operations
Emissions from the marketing of our clients, particularly website visitors
Our approach is unique for a digital agency in that we don’t just offset the emissions from hosting websites and ads, we offset the emissions from mobile phones and laptops using the internet to access these digital properties.

Our trend of emissions and offsets is as follows:
2020: 50 tons of carbon emissions and we offset 150 tons, 3 times our model amount in partnership with Forterra
2021: 66 tons of carbon emissions and we offset 159 tons, 2.4 times our model amount in partnership with Forterra
2022: 83 tons of carbon emissions and our offset partner is changing to better align with our goals, stay tuned for an update in Q2
So far we’ve offset 309 tons of emissions while modeling only 116 tons. In 2023 we’re planning to catch up with an awesome project in partnership with a new organization.

As a member of The Climate Pledge, we already exceed the commitment of all members to offset all carbon emissions by 2040, and we’re working to be far more environmentally beneficial than just our own impact.

For our clients we’re able to provide carbon neutral marketing services, and we encourage our clients to join the climate business movement and commit to The Climate Pledge themselves.

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