The Thunder Dome Car Museum will open May 29th, 2019 with a fantastic collection of rare and classic muscle cars, museum director JT Tumber announced on Tuesday in a press release.

The museum sits at the corner of Washington Avenue and Garrett Street in Enumclaw, Washington has been in development for several years, and under construction since early 2018. Thunder Dome Car Museum is on a mission to strengthen, educate and find a cure for Epilepsy. In an interview with Jeff from the AssetLab team JT said, “We are going to do this in creative and powerful ways, including our car collection, the amazing museum space, unique fundraiser events, awareness initiatives and teamwork with the community and other organizations”.

“Our building is 35,000 square feet and has these incredible glass hanger doors on the sides so that we can hold events that really blur the lines between the inside and outside space” said Troy Thomas, founder and board member of the museum. “The vehicle collection is around 100 classic and muscle cars and we regularly rotate through new vehicles and host amazing cars from others here in the community,” Troy says.

In addition to the mission to further awareness, education, and research in epilepsy Troy is looking forward to furthering the education and experience of local high school students that have an interest in mechanics. Troy says, “Some kids learn best by working with their hands and we’re hoping to create opportunities working with local schools and students for them to work on cars with our team of mechanics”.

“Please come out and see it, this is a must-see destination in Enumclaw. We’re so lucky to be here and happy to get the doors open,” said JT.

The Thunder Dome Car Museum is offering reduced rates during opening week May 29th through June 2nd and is open to the public from 10 am to 6 pm.

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